Today is the 3rd day of school but i have no lectures today so.. i don't suppose you can consider this day the 3rd day of school. Well.. All i can say now is that the topics are definitely much tougher. This semester focuses more on theory i suppose. Audit, Financial Management, Cost Accountin.. etc. Come to think of it.. Everything in this sem is related to accounts, unlike last sem where we did some business management shit.. Lolx.. Well then.. Thus far, my Tues and Fris are the longest days. Stretches from 9, all the way till 4. With only an hour's break. Yup. Did some reading for tomorrow's lecture and oh man.. The entire thing was just words after words.. But it was interesting to know the different different aspects of audit. Hey and the definition of auditing is SO cool. I even memorised it. Here goes.. "Auditing is the process by which a competent and independent person accumulates and evaluates evidence about quantifiable information related to a specific economic entity for the purpose of determining and reporting on the degree of correspondence between the quantifiable information and established criteria" Like how cool is that?? Ok.. Enough crapping for the day. Well then. Goodnight!